Publications Details of ECE Faculty
YEAR 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Journal Publication Details (2019-2020) IJ:49, NJ:0
TypeTitle of Paper Name of the author/sName of the JournalIndexing Type Publish YearISSN No e-ISSN No
IJMultifocus Color Image Fusion Based on Walsh Hadamard Transform and Sum Modified-Laplacian Focus Measure Radha, N., Babu, T.R.International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems ScopusJUL 2019 2185- 310X2185- 3118
IJA novel image hiding algorithm using optimal band selection Mohammad, A.B., Babu, T.R.International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering ScopusJUL 2019 2278- 3075
IJCooperative Spectrum Sensing Using Majority Fusion Rule in Cognitive Radio Networks CH.Sudhamani, Dr. M. Satya Sai RamInternational Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology JUL 2019 2455- 3778
IJTelugu word image retrieval using deep learning convolutional neural networks Lakshmi, K.M., Babu, T.R.International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering ScopusJUL 2019 2277- 3878
IJEfficient technique for word identification and recognition in Telugu documents Lakshmi, K.M., Babu, T.R.International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering ScopusJUL 2019 2277- 3878
IJAnalysis of dermoscopic images using multiresolution approach Rajasekhar, K.S., Ranga Babu, T.International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering ScopusJUL 2019 2278- 3075
IJDesign and Development of Integrated code and carrier and its Applications in Communication P. Aswini, J.RavindranadhUniversal Review JUL 2019 2277- 2723
IJMassive MIMO: Achievable Energy Efficiency for 5G Systems with Multiuser Environment Prasad Rayi Makkapati Venkata Siva PrasadInternational Journal of recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) JUL 2019 2277- 3878
IJTriple frequency stacked patch planar antenna array for L Band RADAR Polepalli Sai Vinay Kumar, Mahendra N. Giri PrasadInternational Advanced Research journal in science, Engineering and Technology JUL 2019 2394- 15882393- 8021
IJPerformance evaluation of quarter shift dual tree complex wavelet transform based multifocus image fusion using fusion rules Radha, N., Babu, T.R.International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering ScopusAUG 2019 2088- 8708
IJA robust image cryptography scheme using optimal band selection and dynamic key embedding Mohammad, A.B., Babu, T.R.International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology ScopusAUG 2019 2249- 8958
IJPower Saving Scheduling For Iot Based Garbage Monitoring System V. Mallikharjuna Rao, M. Satya Sai Ram, M N GiriprasadInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) WoSAUG 2019 2278- 3075
IJTri Band CP Slot AntennaBacked with Dual FSS Reflector Bondili S. Hari Prasad, M V S Prasadnternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology AUG 2019 2249- 8958
IJDesign and Analysis of Defected Ground Structure Based Circular Patch Ultra Wide Band Antenna For High Frequency Applications Lalitha Bhavani Konkyana, Alapati SudhakarARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences ScopusSEP 2019 1819- 6608
IJLow Power VLSI implementation of real Fast Fourier Transformwith DRAM-VM-CLA Raja Sekhar Turaka and Dr.M. Satya Sai RamJournal of Microprocessors and Microsystems SCI / SCIESEP 2019 0141- 9331
IJAlzheimers Disease Classification using Leung-Malik Filtered Bank Features and Weak Classifier Shaik Basheera, M Satya Sai RamInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) WoSSEP 2019 2277- 3878
IJReduction of Surface waves in Arrays Using Uni-Polar EBG Vara Prasad Kudumu, Venkata Siva Prasad MakkapatiInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Exploring Engineering. SEP 2019 2277- 3878
IJMinimization of Mutual Coupling in Arrays Using Cross- shape EBG Vara Prasad Kudumu, Venkata Siva Prasad Makkapati.International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering SEP 2019 2599- 2603
IJDual Frequency stacked patch planar Antenna Array for L Band RADAR Polepalli Sai Vinay Kumar, Mahendra N. Giri PrasadInternational journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) SEP 2019 2277- 3878
IJPerformance Improvement in MIMO-OFDM Systems based on adaptive Whale Elephant Herd Optimization algorithm Kurra.Upendra Chowdary, B. Prabhakara RaoInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology ScopusOCT 2019 2249- 8958
IJDesign and analysis of dual notch band ultra-wide band antenna using complementary split ring resonator for wireless applications Konkyana, L.B., Sudhakar, A.International Journal on Engineering Applications ScopusOCT 2019 2281- 2881
IJDual Band Half Mode SIW Semi Circular Cavity Back Slot Antenna J.Dokuparthi, A. SudhakarProgress In Electromagnetics Research Letters WoSOCT 2019 1937- 6480
IJArtifact elimination from EEG signals using error normalized algorithms for brain computer interface systems Prasad, M.V.V.S., Ranga Babu, T.International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering ScopusNOV 2019 2278- 3075
IJPerformance analysis of MIMO-RDWT-OFDM system with optimal genetic algorithm A.H.Sharief, and Dr. M.Satya Sai RamAEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications SCI / SCIENOV 2019 1434- 8411
IJMulti-Band Notched Antennas for UWB Applications B.Premalatha, MVS Prasad, MBR MurthyRadio Electronics and Communication Systems (Springer) WoSNOV 2019 0735- 2727
IJDesign and Development of miniaturized Multi Functional stacked patch planar Antenna Polepalli Sai Vinay Kumar, Mahendra N. Giri PrasadInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITE) NOV 2019 2278- 3075
IJStationary Wavelet Transform based Image Fusion using fusion rules Nainavarapu Radha, Tummala Ranga BabuInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) DEC 2019 2249- 8958
IJConvolution neural network–based Alzheimers disease classification using hybrid enhanced independent component analysis based segmented gray matter of T2 weighted magnetic resonance imaging with clinical valuation Shaik Basheera, M Satya Sai RamAlzheimers & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions ScopusDEC 2019 2352- 8737
IJMassive MIMO: Enhancement of Spectral and Energy Efficiency for 5G Perspective Prasad Rayi Makkapati Venkata Siva PrasadInternational Journal of Intelligent Engineeringand Systems DEC 2019
IJPerformance evaluation of multifocus Color Image fusion using extended spatial frequency and wavelet based focus measures in stationary wavelet transform domain N. Radha, T. Ranga BabuJournal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences JAN 2020 0973- 89752454- 7190
IJAn efficient scheduling algorithm for Garbage Monitoring system using RTOS V.Mallikarjuna Rao, Dr.M.Satya Sai Ram, Dr.M.N.GiriPrasadInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology JAN 2020 2005- 42382207- 6360
IJDesign of Ultra Wideband Antenna Anjaneyulu Katuru, Sudhakar AlapatiInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering JAN 2020 2277- 3878
IJDesign of bandwidth enhanced compact circular ring monopole antenna for C Band applications (full paper available at: K.Anil Kumar, N.Pavan KumarInternational journal of engineering development and research (IJEDR) JAN 2020 2321- 9939
IJDual-Band Quarter Mode SIW Cavity Back Slot Antenna D. Jagadeesh, A. SudhakarInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering JAN 2020 2277- 3878
IJDesign and Implementation of Normalized Hybrid Projection Algorithm for Speech Enhancement Ch.D. Umasankar, Dr.M. Satya Sai RamJournal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDCS) WoSFEB 2020 1943- 023X
IJLow Power FPGA Implementation of Multi-View Video Coding with Hybrid Compression and Decompression Algorithm Shaik Rahimunnisha, Ghanta SudhavaniInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) FEB 2020
IJAchievable capacity with Spatial Channel corelation in massive MIMO multi-cell systems Prasad Rayi Makkapati Venkata Siva PrasadInternational journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering FEB 2020 2278- 3075
IJFourier Spectrum Features for Face Recognition X Ascar Davix, C John Moses, Suresh Kumar Pittala, D Eswara ChaitanyaInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering FEB 2020 2278- 3075
IJDetection of Skin Cancer Using Modified FLICM with Improved PSOGWO N.Durgarao, Dr.G.SudhavaniInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology MAR 2020 2005- 4238
IJLightweight group key management for data dissimilation for dynamic SDN MANET environments Suneel Miriyala, Dr. M. Satya Sai RamJournal of Critical Reviews (TAIWAN) MAR 2020 2394- 5125
IJPAPR reduction and spectrum sensing in MIMO systems with optimized model Kurra Upendra Chowdary, B. Prabhakara RaoEvolutionary Intelligence ScopusMAR 2020 1864- 5909
IJAnalysis and Classification of Dermoscopic Images Using Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform Kotra Sankar Rajasekhar, Tummala Ranga BabuPeriodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ScopusMAR 2020 2064- 52602064- 5279
IJA novel CNN based Alzheimers disease classification using hybrid enhanced ICA segmented gray matter of MRI Shaik Basheera, M.Satya Sai RamComputerized Medical Imaging and Graphics WoSAPR 2020 0895- 6111
IJAn Integrated game theory approach with network coding for SDN based MANET Suneel Miriyala, Dr. M. Satya Sai RamTechnology Reports of Kansai University (JAPAN) APR 2020 0453- 2198
IJDual-Band Low Profile SIW Cavity-Backed Antenna by Using Bilateral Slots B.Lokeshwar, D.Venkatasekhar, and A.SudhakarProgress In Electromagnetics Research C ScopusAPR 2020 1937- 8718
IJImproving Network Accessing And Security Through Uavs In Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks - A Review Suneel Miriyala, Dr. M. Satya Sai RamInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology MAY 2020 2005- 42382207- 6360
IJA Slot shapedEBG Structurer for improving the Isolation between Patch Arrays Vara Prasad Kudumu, Venkata Siva Prasad Makkapati.International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology. MAY 2020 1553- 0396
IJDesign and Analysis of Compact Periodic slot Multiband Antenna with Defected Ground Structure for Wireless Applications Bondili S. Hari Prasad, Makkapati V S PrasadProgress in Electromagnetic Research M (Web of Science) WoSJUN 2020 1937- 8726
IJModeling and Simulation of Compact Microstrip Patch Antenna for WI-Fi Applications D. Madhavi, Sudhakar AlapatiJournal of Xidian University JUN 2020
Conference Publication Details (2019-2020) IC:10, NC:0
TypeTitle of Paper Name of the author/sName of the Conference Publish Yeare-ISBN No
ICNovel Nonlinear Companding Transform for PAPR Reduction N.Renuka, Dr.M.Satya Sai Ram, Smart Intelligent Computing and ApplicationsOCT 2019
ICOn the band notched characteristics of ultra- wideband antenna Anjaneyulu Katuru, Sudhakar Alapati International conference on vision towards emerging trends in communication and networkingDEC 2019
ICDesign and Analysis of a Compact Co-Planar Waveguide Fed Ground Slotted Corner Truncated Ultra-Wideband Patch Antenna Anjaneyulu Katuru, Sudhakar Alapati International conference on vision towards emerging trends in communication and networkingDEC 2019
ICVehicle License Plate Localization based on Local Binary Pattern Features Ascar Davix,X, Adline N Titus and Ashwina.A IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Energy-efficient Computing and CommunicationFEB 2020193777 53
ICBandwidth Improvement of Rectangular Patch Antenna Using Multiple Slots Devabhaktuni Madhavi, Alapati Sudhakar The 42nd Progress In Electromagnetics Research SymposiumMAR 2020
ICDesign of Microstrip Patch Antenna for MIMO Applications Devabhaktuni Madhavi, Alapati Sudhakar The 42nd Progress In Electromagnetics Research SymposiumMAR 2020
ICMetallized via Loaded Quarter Mode SIW Slot Antenna for Dual-band Operation A. Sudhakar, D. Jagadeesh The 42nd Progress In Electromagnetics Research SymposiumMAR 2020978172 815304 9
ICDual-Band Hexagonal Cavity Back Slot Antenna Using TM110 and TM210 Modes A. Sudhakar, D. Jagadeesh The 42nd Progress In Electromagnetics Research SymposiumMAR 2020
ICSegmentation of soft Tissues from MRI brain Images Using Optimized KPCM Clustering via Level Set Formulation Kama Ramudu and Tummala Ranga Babu 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, ICCII 2018; Hyderabad; India; 27 - 29 December 2018MAR 2020
ICPositioning Strategies: Implementation and Applications of Major Source Localization and Positioning Approaches Over Indian Subcontinent Laveti G., Eswara Chaitanya D., Chaya Devi P., Vinodh Kumar T. Springer International Conference on Micro-Electronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications (Scopus Indexed)JUN 2020