Publications Details of ECE Faculty
YEAR 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Journal Publication Details (2015-2016) IJ:33, NJ:2
TypeTitle of Paper Name of the author/sName of the JournalIndexing Type Publish YearISSN No e-ISSN No
IJLayers and Dark Sand Dunes Segmentation of Mars Satellite Imagery Using Level Set Model K Ramudu, TR BabuIETE Journal of Education, Published by Taylor & Francis JUL 2015 2455- 43830974- 7338
ARobust Texture Enhanced Image Denoising Using Gradient Histogram Preservation with Iterative Histogram Specification M.Suresh, N.Kejiya kumariInternational Journal and Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research JUL 2015 2348- 4845
IJA Tri Shaped Printed Patch Antenna For UWB Applications Saidaiah Bandi, A.Sudhakar, K. Padma RajuInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research JUL 2015 0973- 4562
Comaparative Study of Normalzed Adaptive Noise Cancellers for Crdiac Signal Enhancement M.Suresh, SkYasmin FathimaInternational Journal of Scientific Research and Education JUL 2015 2321- 7545
IJA Review on Design of Microstrip Patch Antennas Using Different Techniques D Arun Kumar, U Rama Krishna, A SudhakarInternational Journal of Applied Engineering and Research JUL 2015 0973- 4562
A DNN-HMM Approach towards Gende and Age Recognition S.Sravan Kumar, K.Baby SwapnaInternational Journal of Engineering and Science Research JUL 2015 2277- 2685
IJDesign of Stack planar array antenna for C Band Radar P. Sai Vinay Kumar Dr M PadmajaInternational journal of scientific and engineering research JUL 2015
IJAnalysis of Edge Terminated Wide Band Biconical Antenna C.SubbaRao, A.SudhakarThe Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal WoSJUL 2015 1054- 48871943- 5711
IJA Roust and Efficient Image Cryptography by using Private Key Matrices and Logical Scrambling B.Sai Mounika, Dr. T.Ranga BabuInternational Journal and Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research AUG 2015 2348- 4845
IJAn Improved Audio Steganography Based on DWT and Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum K.Baby Swapna, P.P.S.SubhashiniInternational Journal and Magazine of Engineering Technology, Management and Research AUG 2015 2348- 4845
IJSegmentation of Satellite and Medical Imagery using Homomorphic filtering based Level set Evolution Kama Ramudu, Dr.T.Ranga BabuIndian Journal of Science and Technology NOV 2015 0974- 68460974- 5645
IJPerformance of CPW-FED curved patch antenna with Multi resonant Structures for UWB Applications S.H.V.Prasada Rao, A.SudhakarInternational Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation ScopusDEC 2015 2039- 5086
IJAnalysis of Notch in Microstrip Antenna T. Venkateswara Rao, A. Sudhakar, K.Padma RajuInternational Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering DEC 2015 2278- 8948
NJPerformance Analysis of Least Squares SVD and QRD Algorithms for GPS Position Estimate Ganesh Laveti, M.N.V.S.S Kumar, D.Eswara Chaitanya, Rajkumar Goswami, G.Sasibhushana RaoTJPRC: Journal of Power Systems and Microelectronics DEC 2015
IJomputer Vision and Web Framework for Bank Security Locker System Using Arm Processor R.Bala Bhaskar, A.Murali Krishna, Dr.K.Sreenivasa RaviInternational Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, DEC 2015 2229- 5518
IJDesign of Microstrip Antenna with Notch Filter for UWB Application T.Venkateswara Rao, A.Sudhakar, K.PadmaRajuInternational Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology JAN 2016 2230- 95432230- 7109
IJAnalysis of Notch in Microstrip Antenna T.VenkateswaraRao, A.Sudhakar, K.PadmaRajuInternational Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering JAN 2016 2278- 8948
IJDesign of Microstrip Antenna with Notch Filter for UWB Application T. Venkateswara Rao, A. Sudhakar, K.Padma RajuInternational Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology JAN 2016 2230- 95432230- 7109
IJUnknown radio source localization based on a modified closed form solution using TDOA measurement technique D. Eswara Chaitanya, G Sasibhushana RaoElsevier Procedia Computer Science Journal WoSJAN 2016 1877- 0509
IJPerformance analysis of hyperbolic multilateration using circular error probability D. Eswara Chaitanya, L Ganesh, G Sasibhushana RaoElsevier Procedia Computer Science Journal WoSJAN 2016 1877- 0509
IJTDOA measurement based GDOP analysis for radio source localization L Ganesh, G Sasibhushana Rao, D. Eswara Chaitanya, MNVSS KumarElsevier Procedia Computer Science Journal WoSJAN 2016 1877- 0509
NJPerformance analysis of Patch antenna with dielectric subtrates B.Premalatha, Prof. MVS Prasad, MBR MurthyCMR journal of Engineering & Technology JAN 2016
IJA Microstrip Rectangle Carpet Shaped Fractal Antenna for UWB Applications Saidaiah Bandi, A.Sudhakar, K.Padma RajuInternational Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP) ScopusFEB 2016 2039- 5086
IJRadiation characteristics of a compact CPW fed triangular slot antenna Venkateswara Rao, T., Sudhakar, A., Padma Raju, K.International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ScopusAPR 2016 0973- 4562
IJAn Improved ICI Self Cancellation Scheme for OFDM systems under various channels A.H.Sharief, and Dr. M.Satya Sai RamInternational Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) WoSAPR 2016 2088- 87082722- 2578
IJA Robust and Secure Text Transmission through Video Steganography Using Pixel Mapping P.Sailaja, K.KeerthiInternational Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology,Management and Research (IJIET) APR 2016 2348- 4845
IJNon Stationary Signals (Voice) Verification System Using Wavelet Transform PPS Subhashini, Dr. M. Satya Sai Ram and Dr. D SrinivasaraoInternational Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research MAY 2016 2347- 67102319- 8753
IJNon Stationary Signals (voice) verification system using Wavelet Transform P.P.S.Subhashini, M.SatyaSairam, Dr.D.Srinivasa RaoInternational Journal and Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research MAY 2016 2348- 4845
IJA research paper on 'Efficient DWT Colour Image Transmission over OFDM fading Channels' P.V.S.Ranjith, N.RenukaInternational Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research MAY 2016 2348- 4845
IJImproving the performance of FLIP-OFDM using iterative receiver In optical wireless communication systems Vugge Ravi Teja, K.Upendra ChowdaryInternational Journalof Professional Engineering Studies JUN 2016
IJLicense Plate Localization by Sobel Vertical Edge Detection Method Ascar Davix,X, Oshin, U,J,Laura , Shamili,P, Sharmila,Y & Soumya,R,PInternational Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research JUN 2016 2454- 6410
IJA New Olympic Ring Shaped Antenna for UWB Applications B. Saidaiah, A.Sudhakar, K. Padma RajuEngineering, Technology & Applied Science Research WoSJUN 2016 2241- 4487
IJImage Segmentation Techniques: A Review P.Sasibal, Dr. G. SudhavaniInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering JUN 2016
IJMulti-View Video Coding Algorithms/Techniques: A Comprehensive Study Shaik.Rahimunnisha, Dr.G.SudhaVaniInt. Journal of Engineering Research and Application JUN 2016 2248- 9622
IJMultiple Object tracking in video Sequences - Survey E. Adinarayana, Dr. G.Sudhavani, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology JUN 2016
IJSkin Cancer Detection N.Durga Rao, Dr. G.SudhavaniInternational Journal of Engineering Research and Applications JUN 2016
IJPreserving Privacy using Column Masking and Data Encryption Techniques Lakshmi B, Ravindra Babu H, Murali Krishna AInternational Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering JUN 2016 2347- 2693
IJText Independent Speaker Identification using SVM with MFCC B.K.S.S.Srinivas, P.P.S.SubhashiniGlobal Journal of Advanced Engineering Technologies, JUN 2016 2277- 6370
Conference Publication Details (2015-2016) IC:11, NC:4
TypeTitle of Paper Name of the author/sName of the Conference Publish Yeare-ISBN No
ICA Compact Octagonal Printed Monopole UWB Antenna for Bio-Medical Applications S.H.V Prasada Rao, A.Sudhakar International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference And CompatibilityJUL 2015
ICAn Octagonal Monopole Antenna for Ultra Wide Band Applications C. Subba Rao, A.Sudhakar International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference And CompatibilityJUL 2015
ICA Study of Measurement Errors in Hyperbolic Multilateration D. Eswara Chaitanya, G Sasibhushana Rao, L Ganesh, MNVSS Kumar Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NECICASPC-2K15), NEC, GunturJUL 2015
ICCloth pattern recognition with four features (RSSM) N.DurgaRao, Dr.G.Sudhavani, P.Balakrishna, K.Gouthami IEEE International Symposium Conference on Advanced Communication (ISACC) 2015SEP 2015
NCInvestigation of Suitable Position Determination Algorithm for GPS Application Ganesh Laveti, M.N.V.S.S Kumar, D.Eswara Chaitanya, Rajkumar Goswami, G.Sasibhushana Rao National Conference on Power Systems, Andhra University, VisakhapatnamSEP 2015
NCDesign and Simulation of compact CPW fed band notched monopole antenna for UWB Application T. Venkateswara Rao, A. Sudhakar, K.Padma Raju National conference on VLSI design, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Communications and Embedded SystemsNOV 2015
NCPerformance Evolution of Hybrid Multimodality Image Fusion based on Entropy Concept Radha N. and Ranga Babu T National Conference on VLSI Design, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Communications & Embedded Systems (NCVSPICE-2K15), KakinadaNOV 2015
ICDevelopment of an Algorithm for 8 bit WTM Sravanthi Kantamaneni, Dr.V.V.K.D.V.Prasad, B.V.Vasantha Rao International Conference on "Navigational Systems & Signal Processing Applications" (NSSP-2013) Organized by University College of Engineering & Technology,ANU at Acharya Nagarjuna Nagar ,Guntur-IEEE SponsoredNOV 2015
ICINS-GPS Enabled Driving Aid Using Doppler Sensor Sudheer Kumar Nagothu, G.Anitha International Conference on Smart Sensors and Systems (IC-SSS – 2015)DEC 2015
ICPerformance evaluation of secured STR protocal under malicious nodes N.Pavan Kumar IEEE sponsored 3rd international conference on electronics and communication systemsFEB 2016
ICSearching for TELUGU Script in Noisy Images using SURF descriptors K.Mohana Lakshmi and T.Ranga Babu 2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC), Bhimavaram, India, 27-28 Feb. 2016FEB 2016
ICWeather based Smart watering system using soil sensor and GSM Sudheer Kumar Nagothu 2016 World Conference on Futuristic Trends in Research and Innovation for Social Welfare (Startup Conclave)FEB 2016
ICDesign of CPW Feed Triangular Slot Antenna Array for WiMAX and WLAN Applications T. Venkateswara Rao, A. Sudhakar, K.Padma Raju ICEMS, Jaipur National University,MAR 2016
ICGraphical Analysis of Convergence Issues Affecting TDOA Positioning D. Eswara Chaitanya, S Sudha Rani, G Sasibhushana Rao, L Ganesh International Springer Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems and ApplicationsAPR 2016
NCA Survey of the Applications of Multilateration in Civil Aviation S Sudha Rani, D Eswara Chaitanya, G S Rao, R Goswami 3rd National conference on Electric Power and Power Electronic Control Systems (NCEPPECS-2016)MAY 2016